Birdie Transformation Program
Week 003
Daily Morning Minute
The beginning of daily morning practice and connecting to what is deepest in you. Setting intention for the day.
First: In the first next day or two of week 3, find an item, could be a little statue, an image, a book with sacred texts, a painting…something, just one object that signifies to you a representation of the sacred Being, God, consciousness and that you feel connected to. It is not just about finding an object that in your head you know is supposed to represent the divine, but something you have a feeling for and through which you can access a more expanded state than just your own body-mind.
This object should be small enough to take with you in a backpack, small enough to put up in a room that is shared with others.
Most likely, you already are using such an item in your altar. If you don’t have an altar, you can read more about purpose of an altar below.
Second: Place this item in such a way that it is visible and easily accessible where you live. It should not require for you to go into a special room or house or shed, but be right there where it is available to you.
Third: Before you go about your regular daily life chores and activities (after your bathroom routines) , stand before this item, put your palms together and hold them in front of your chest. There is a sacred space created by this connection that will surround you and the item.
What happens next will depend on you and the day and what is going on in your life.
Take 30 seconds to one or 2 minutes and, for example, express gratitude for this day to be alive, or visualize a light inside yourself that slowly gets bigger and radiates all around you. Or, see a light connecting your to the core of the earth and all the way up to the heaves. Or state your intention to be more present in this world today. Or ask for help from the higher to guide your words and actions towards being kind, or be of benefit to all beings, or ask for help in being present when your are triggered by what is happening around you. Or ask the universe to bring you what is most needed for your transformation. Maybe you want to send love to some people of animals. You can imagine your energy being getting larger and larger till it extends to infinity. As you stand there, it will be apparent.
The purpose is to connect to the higher and deeper in you and consciously set your intention for the day.
Do this every day.
As your ability to access deeper states of being increases, the nature of this minute will change.
As you do this practice, notice how your days will change and how you are being in this world.
It is a matter of a one minute practice. Not having “time” is no excuse not to do it. You might feel internal resistance. Investigate within yourself what that is about. If you are not ready, that is okay. There is no judgment. Just know it is available always.
Daily practice is very important and useful on this path. For now you could just take it as a given, or you can also do some research on it, or, you can try it out and find out the truth of that for yourself!
Many people don’t yet have such a practice, at any time of day.
This will establish a first daily morning practice, and one minutes is not too much time.
If you forget one day, just set your intention right where you remember.
If you already have a daily morning meditation practice, that is great. Maybe all you need to add is setting your intention for that day.
Function of an Altar Space
Excerpted from Let The Healing Begin
Commonly, “altars” are places that mark a space as not common to everyday life, but indicate that something is happening or practiced here that is of a spiritual, non-everyday, non-ordinary nature. You can find such special places, altars, in all corners and cultures of the world. Many people have an altar type place in their homes – their sacred place, a place of stillness for letting go of the mundane to connect the deeper part of themselves and with higher vibrations and spaces, angels, spirit guides or deities.
Altar objects are items of special spiritual significance to the person involved. If you have an altar, you most likely have several items on it. Some items, like prayer beads, especially blessed ones, can definitely acquire the status of sacred.
Depending on religious practices, beliefs and insights or tendencies, different people may choose different objects to place on the altar. These altar objects usually hold a very special meaning and are held in highest regard. They may be useful in accessing altered states of consciousness and often are imbued with special energy. They can function as connecting devices to a deity, spiritual school, group or space and more.
Altars do not have to be expensive to function or convey a sense of the sacred. Basically, anything you set up for the purpose can function as an altar.
Why would one want such an altar space?
“One” would want it to help facilitate non-ordinary states of awareness or awakening, to have a place to pray or sit in stillness. A place where non-ordinary states of consciousness are invoked and the ordinary worldly concerns are left behind. It is where we intend to access higher spaces, the divine, the sacred, unity or higher guidance. It can be used as a centering device, for invocation, to pray, to slow down and access a space of going with the flow, an open heart and compassion.
One of the most important conditions for accessing altered states of consciousness is the switching from beta brain predominance to other brain-wave states. This can be induced with the help of sounds, scents, moods, meditation, relaxation techniques.
Some altars are special purpose altars, such as Labyrinth Readers’ altars.
While the connection between reader and voyager is non-physical and requires nothing other than the essential tools which are natural to all beings, attention, presence and will – our experience as readers is that a properly equipped altar dramatically assists in the process of reading.
Over time, the reading space, or generally, any altar space that is used as such, gets charged, and merely sitting down can trigger the body to change states.
Consider creating such a space in your home.
Ultimately, we will realize the sacred space is something that is part of us and accessible anywhere at any time. This will take practice.
Sharing my item for the morning minute, week three, which has been with me for many years. I grew up catholic, and even though I no longer subscribe to any religion, and even though there were goddesses from other religions I felt drawn to in the past, this image holds Divine Love, unconditional love, nurturing love for me – and provides the space to expand and include all to infinity, the space to ask for help, the space to surrender
I don’t seem to have an item that I have felt it embodies the sacred Being for me. What could I do then?
an item that inspires you to more than the ordinary? something that reminds you of that with is infinite? Love, grace? an image of a goddess? the ABD? a candle? . and maybe you don’t need one…and can stand in your sacred space and don’t need an item? maybe you would feel drawn to playfulness, or dance…as in dancing shiva? maybe THOR…the nordic god
🙂 maybe it is a small item that was given to you by your grandmother, signifying total acceptance…who knows…even without an item, take the minute, put your palms together to connect with …that which is…could be the item won’t show up till you start 
you have done so many readings…you can stand there and create the 8 pointed chamber and stretch it to the infinite…and so your item is the (to others) invisible chamber….
you have done so many readings…you can stand there and create the 8 pointed chamber and stretch it to the infinite…and so your item is the (to others) invisible chamber….
Since I read this third-week task, I was pondering about what you said about the object: “It is not just about finding an object that in your head you know is supposed to represent the divine, but something you have a feeling for”
My mind is quite agile and that has been helpful in this lifetime, but it also is dominant many times when it is not completely necessary. I wish we can address this subject too in this program, or maybe all the process can lead us to a place where the mind eases a bit and let space to see and feel from the heart.
I like your suggestion about the eight points of the chamber and the one about placing my hands on the chest. I will combine those.
and ye
Sharing my item for the morning minute, week three, which has been with me for many years. I grew up catholic, and even though I no longer subscribe to any religion, and even though there were goddesses from other religions I felt drawn to in the past, this image holds Divine Love, unconditional love, nurturing love for me – and provides the space to expand and include all to infinity, the space to ask for help, the space to surrender
I don’t seem to have an item that I have felt it embodies the sacred Being for me. What could I do then?
an item that inspires you to more than the ordinary? something that reminds you of that with is infinite? Love, grace? an image of a goddess? the ABD? a candle? . and maybe you don’t need one…and can stand in your sacred space and don’t need an item? maybe you would feel drawn to playfulness, or dance…as in dancing shiva? maybe THOR…the nordic god
🙂 maybe it is a small item that was given to you by your grandmother, signifying total acceptance…who knows…even without an item, take the minute, put your palms together to connect with …that which is…could be the item won’t show up till you start 
you have done so many readings…you can stand there and create the 8 pointed chamber and stretch it to the infinite…and so your item is the (to others) invisible chamber….
you have done so many readings…you can stand there and create the 8 pointed chamber and stretch it to the infinite…and so your item is the (to others) invisible chamber….
Since I read this third-week task, I was pondering about what you said about the object: “It is not just about finding an object that in your head you know is supposed to represent the divine, but something you have a feeling for”
My mind is quite agile and that has been helpful in this lifetime, but it also is dominant many times when it is not completely necessary. I wish we can address this subject too in this program, or maybe all the process can lead us to a place where the mind eases a bit and let space to see and feel from the heart.
I like your suggestion about the eight points of the chamber and the one about placing my hands on the chest. I will combine those.
and yes, the space of the eight pointed chamber and touching your chest…is a space where you can do any invocation for the day
about week 3, the daily morning minute: the main point is to do the daily morning minute every day before starting the rest of the day. – setting intention for the day, and/or connect with the highest in you or god/Absolute. if you don’t need a focal point, an item, a little altar, that is ok
yes, the space of the eight pointed chamber and touching your chest…is a space where you can do any invocation for the day
about week 3, the daily morning minute: the main point is to do the daily morning minute every day before starting the rest of the day. – setting intention for the day, and/or connect with the highest in you or god/Absolute. if you don’t need a focal point, an item, a little altar, that is ok