Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie Transformation Program – Week 4 -In the mirror

Birdie Transformation Program – Week 4

In the mirror – total acceptance

For this week, you will need a big mirror and a smaller, hand-held mirror.

You can do any or all of the explorations in the order that feels right to you.

This is a powerful series of explorations. Do as much as you are ready for. You can always come back to it later on. It can uncover and clarify many beliefs and judgments, and bring up many different feelings. It can be confusing, clarifying, challenging and healing. Have fun with it.

There are 2 things to keep in mind:

Organic organisms on this planet, even one celled creatures, grow, explore and take in nourishment in an environment that is safe and where there is no attack. When attacked, living beings develop defenses, armor, or they flee and hide. They won’t grow, play or be able to connect in a healthy way. It goes so far as to make up an entirely new self with which to interact with in the world, but keep the tender parts well hidden and protected. That seems to be how a lot of life works around here. For humans, the most detrimental effect is the lack of connection and love, and on the other side, love and connection are very healing. Be kind to yourself!!!!

Our own body-mind is living as a refection of our essential self, our essential habits and tendencies, or, as some would say, as a result of karma. Others frame it slightly differently, which is: you have chosen to manifest in these times and in this body to experience what you have experienced, to feel it and transcend it and have it become a portal for healing for others. Yet another way to look at it is: God gave you exactly this so you may find your way to the divine through it.

Some others realized that everything that lives, exists within the ONE Spirit.

Whichever way your perspective is in this, it helps to see what actually is the case with your body-mind, to accept what actually is the case with you, and then move on from there – with loving compassion for yourself.


Getting to know yourself

Every day, spend a little time with yourself in front of the mirror, both dressed and undressed, naked, with and without make-up.

Just look, and allow your thoughts or feelings about the person you see in the mirror to be there, don’t suppress them, don’t fixate on them, just notice.

What do you see? what do you feel?

Afterward, write down what comes up for you.

It would be good to spend some time every day this week doing it.

Here are a few explorations you are invited to do:

Exploration One:

Switch roles. While in front of the mirror, pretend that the person in the mirror as the real one that has lived your life.

You are something, someone else. Then we speak to that person in the mirror with various voices.

One – speak to that person any way you like.

Two – speak to the person you see in the mirror from the point of view of a loving angel.

Three – speak to the person in the mirror from your higher self, lovingly, understanding, because you know exactly what he/she has lived through and experienced.

Four – various other humans. Talk to this person as if you were your mother, your father, your sister or brother or your friends.

Five – Talk to this person in the way society talks, advertisements.

Notice what happens.

Finish with appreciation and understanding for yourself in the most loving voice you can come up with, even if you don’t know exactly whose voice it is.

Exploration Two:

Let the person in the mirror talk to you, tell you things about itself, how it feels. Allow it if only certain parts want to have a voice, like your heart, or your skin. Provide an invisible container that that person can trust you to tell you anything it wants.

Exploration Three:

Play around with postures of the body. Look at yourself from the side. Find postures that look and feel defeated, or some that feel proud, rigid or just confident, or sexy. Make faces of various emotions you can think of.

Smile at yourself!!!

Exploration Four:

Put your hands on your chest and stand with your reflection, the feelings, the voices, the movements, everything, and know, they are all part of you right now.

We might not remember clearly how some of the voices got there, we may not know who is the real us is, and what is implanted from family and society. We might not be perfect. That is okay.

Just notice that is is okay to be you, it is okay to be who you are right now.

For total acceptance – we need to know what is actually the case.

Now you might ask what the second, hand-held mirror is for? Okay, I don’t know about how flexible you are, but I need an extra mirror to be able to actually look at all parts of my physical self.

PS. – if you have not done it already, yourself a smile if you can before you end your mirror time.