Miscellaneous musings

Social media and the world-centric humanity

let me clarify…i didn’t say some people are not amazing, everyone is, in fact, don’t stop at people, all of creation is…but some of these young people these days and what they do….amazing….like the ones riding the big waves in Hawaii, the barely teenagers speaking at the UN, the 5 year olds who started “save dogs” or “feed the homeless” projects or make teddy bears for kids with cancer in the hospital. it is a mistake to assume that human potential is not evolving, that possibilities to grow up with a more open and global mind is not the case these days and does not lead to new – and amazing – results. i look at the last 100 years…and all i can say – some of the young people and what they do….amazing…and in fact, not possible 100 years ago…in part because…the opportunities simply were not there. also, i take the liberty to be more amazed at the many Mozart-like works of musical prodigy rather than a non rhythmic banging on some pots at the same kindergarten age (just an example). in the great perfection where everyone and everything has their place, some things are still more amazing in this mind than others. in some ways, there were always those gifted or inspiring people, however, humanity this time around, had never before reached a global – world-centric consciousness option for many (all) people everywhere.. it really is a new phase….and i love hearing and seeing about it online. internet is a tool of our time….even the heroic struggle of traumatized people is made easier and more effective through opportunities of learning and transformation from online postings. in time, if we don’t ruin the environment – if more people actually grow up – we will hear many more stories.