Crutches and what if the broadcast goes down – telepathy anyone?
On the spiritual path, at first, when attempting to focus or maintain intention, we use crutches. Images of saints or gurus, candles, incense, music, certain bodily movements or positions or mantras.
It helps the body-mind, in the beginning stages especially, to focus, to practice on the path to more freedom, to awakening, to realization.
Ultimately, the purpose of such external things, crutches, as a means to accomplish anything will become optional or a need for them unnecessary.
Inspiration and creativity will guide movements and words and the process of doing, of action, becomes effortless, even though work still is getting done.
Music has some real effects on one’s body-mind.
Voice and touch and movements do too.
Your sacred space does have an effect.
Your practices do.
There may come a time when internet is gone. There may or may not be electricity, you might even have to move and your beautiful space is gone.
It is at this time when your habits will carry you through. You ability to be open, to listen, to hear, to see with your entire being, your body-mind and your energy body.
So what are we to do when the broadcast goes down during the Birdie Transformation Program/Distance Energy Healing?
Okay, the Birdie part is available online.
And what about the Distance Energy Healing?
The healing hour will continue, with or without broadcast, with or without music.
It remains a time for you stop your usual activities, a time to drop in, to connect with self and the space of the group.
I was recently reminded of something: we exist and have access too non-physical spaces, and those spaces can be shared. Communication can happen in those spaces.
As a matter of practice, I am suggesting 2 things:
One, be aware of how music influences your state of being, you ability to access internal spaces and states of being.
Two: to pay attention to the space you end up during the healing event, what it felt like, whether you see or hear anything in your mind’s eye or ears.
As our body-mind gets more unobstructed energetically, as old beliefs, judgments and blocks get cleared, it will be more easily possible to meet and communicate telepathically within the group.
It is possible to “know” what is happening, to be in the same spirit realm-space and perceive and report back in 3 D reality.
It will take time and practice. One of the things to help trust is this: getting positive feedback.
This can only happen with sharing. Sharing your impression, perception, and intuitions during the healing time-space.
Why is this important: to be able to communicate without the crutches of the internet and electronics, voice or written notes, solely through intuition, high sense perception and expanded consciousness.
It starts with intention, then paying attention, and the action of sharing.
I invite those participating who are interested in practicing this aspect of telepathy/shared spirit space – let me know, and we will set up something.