Birdie Transformation Program
Week 34
Birdie Transformation Program
Week 34
This sounds familiar, didn’t we do this before?
Still, boundaries it is.
In backdrop of one-ness, of being part of the ONE connected cohesive field of manifested reality, there are these apparently separate entities, boundaried with skin or fur or bark and their surrounding energy system.
As far as we, as persons, are concerned, there are the practices and tool for waking up, and the tools for growing up.
The tools and skills to know about boundaries, be responsible for your boundaries and respecting the boundaries of others, knowing about healthy and unhealthy boundaries, are part of your growing up process.
This week, notice your physical and energetic boundary. Notice and pay attention when someone or something else penetrates that boundary. This crossing of a boundary could be with your agreement, or against your wish and will. A simple example would be that you cut yourself and the boundary of your skin gets injured. You and your body will need to deal with that. What are helpful tools for the healing that needs to occur?
Sometimes it might be in a store and some stands close to you but it feels really unpleasant and somehow violating. Notice that and what you need to do to change the situation. What do you do to cleanse and clear? Not everyone can go from a swim in the ocean, but a shower might be an option, for example.
Sometimes energetic boundary violations are more difficult to deal with that obvious physical ones. You can’t quite explain it. Pay attention to it – don’t discount your experience. Sometimes it might be hypersensitivity, resulting from a prior nervous system trauma. Sometimes it simply means, there is energetic intrusion happening. And you might need an energetic counter-measure – or a discussion.
Also notice how, being consciously and energetically connected to the world, sometimes you simply are affected by what is happening to others and in the world. There really seems to be no other way than to feel it and allow it to pass through, not holding on to the energy in any way, not letting it get stuck in you.
Notice how it feels being with others, notice if your boundaries are rigid, flexible, soft, porous, permeable, fluid, brittle, spiky.
Have fun exploring.