Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie – Week 31

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 31

Let It Be

In our world, the physical world we have come to know, we don’t always like or appreciate what is happening to us or in the world in general. What we dislike or get upset about is different from different people and their background and up-bringing. This practice is about the everyday things in our lives we habitually get upset about or feel hurt by or that sadden us.

Here we all are and something appears to be happening.

This week, practice: let it be.

Simply notice what is happening. Sense what is going on in your body, observe what is going on in your environment.

Whatever it is – It IS. This is happening. Right now.

Breathe, connect with the infinite peaceful space in which all is arising. Accept what is. Be present.

Say okay.

Yes, this is happening.

Look at what is happening with loving-kindness.

From there, action may arise, or not.

By relaxing, staying connected with yourself, you won’t get stressed out, hurting your endocrine system or say or do something stupid. You don’t need to deal with the drama.

You start trusting in the divine unfolding of events.

You realize you don’t have to control what is happening.

You may end up contributing actively to the unfolding, or not. You may say yes or no. You may change where you are or who you are with or how you need to live your life. You may want to set boundaries. Whatever it is, YES to that too.

But first, accept what is. Don’t rant against it, don’t complain, don’t resist it, don’t fight it.

Let it be what it is.

Let them be who they are.

And be who you are.