Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie Finale June 7, 2019

Birdie Transformation Program

Week – Finale – June 7, 2019

This time, the message was: it is done. The Birdie program is done in its current form. It is capped at forty weeks. There was simply a last message (below). There will be no more weeks, but possibly reminders or little messages in the future.

The reason is that the primary purpose (and there might have been more than one) has been fulfilled. I personally don’t actually know what those were (though I have my thoughts about it), I only get that it is done. It feels done too.

What we have is a very powerful series of investigations and practices. I am to update the website, for example giving titles to the week in the links and organize it a little better, and close the facebook groups.

For anyone participating, thank you.

Now it is time for your full self responsibility – creating your life and practices, envision and step into your very self which already exists in the future.

You get to decide which habits to maintain, and which to no longer do but replace with others.

You get to make learning and growing a way of life for you, if that is what you wish to do.

You get to live with intention on energy flow and creativity and presence, or continue to mostly give in to reactivity, being stuck and unconsciousness.

You choose what to align with in your life.

You can have big dreams and not fuss over the little “problems” of daily live.

You choose what support group you want to create or join and to which extent you are able or willing at a given time to participate.

You get to choose a way to contribute and serve for the benefit and evolution of life on this planet and the beings living on it.

You can come back to the Birdie exercises of the various weeks for as long as the website is up.

It has been a privilege to serve in this way and I am very grateful to Carmen for translating. Gracias and vielen vielen Dank!!!

Thank you everyone who chose to be part of this for any of the weeks. It was important and meant a lot.

There is a special exercise I would like to share, from an old LRS course book, it goes something like this:

Looking around, imagine every single object you see as being an entire universe in itself. Who (or what) are you then?

For the benefit of all beings everywhere and the benefit of the Absolute.


a poem from Carmen

Antiguo poema Sanscrito

Cuida bien de este día pues es vida,

lo mejor de la vida.

En su breve curso están contenidas todas las verdades de la existencia.

La alegría del crecimiento,

La gloria de la acción,

El esplendor de la belleza…

Pues el ayer no es sino un recuerdo

y el mañana tan solo una visión.

Sin embargo, cada hoy bien vivido

hace de cada ayer un recuerdo de felicidad

y de cada mañana una visión de esperanza.

Por consiguiente, cuida bien de este día, pues es vida.



Old Sanskrit poem

Look well to this one day, for it and
it alone is life. In the brief course of
this day lie all the verities and
realities of your existence; the pride of
growth, the glory of action, the
splendor of beauty. Yesterday is only
a dream, and tomorrow is but a
vision. Yet each day, well lived,
makes every yesterday a dream of
happiness and each tomorrow, a
vision of hope. Look well, therefore,
to this one day, for it and it alone is life.