Our small group just finished a segment on how to keep your immunity in top shape by giving your body what it needs and now, it is time for our Lucid Dreaming course…in English and with Spanish translation.

Orientation is this coming Friday, May 21, 2021.
The email will go out through IDHHB, I posted in on facebook, but unfortunately, I forgot how to post in Instagram from a PC (as some of you know, I don’t have a cell phone, never did except when they first came out in the 90ties and I was on call every other day.) But, I digress, below is the note and zoom invite/registration link for the orientation meeting.
Time is getting close for the start of the Lucid Dreaming segment of the Friday morning DEH (Distance Energy Healing).
What is lucid dreaming?
Why would you want to do it?
And, how does one do it anyway?
These three questions will keep us busy with the DEH Lucid Dreaming practice for at least 6-8 weeks.
If you are interested – or, just want to find out more – join us Friday, May 21, Distance Energy Healing with Dok, – Explorations into Consciousness.
This orientation event is open to all. You can register in advance for this event: Lucid Dreaming Orientation Zoom meeting.
When: May 21, 2021 11:00 AM -Noon Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for the orientation.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
During the orientation event, you will get a chance to experience the format, space and learn more about how we will be exploring Lucid Dreaming in this course.
If you ever wondered what lucid dreaming is, why you might want to be able to do it, how it could change your life, how to use it in a spiritual way, how you can use it to explore your mind and states of being and – how to actually do it, come on in.
The Lucid Dreaming Course will be held on Fridays 11am -12 noon PT for 6-8 weeks.
“It feels like such an important and useful tool in a variety of ways and the impulse to teach it has been growing stronger lately – so here it is. All are welcome – however, minors need to be accompanied by a parent. I hope to see you there.” – A note from Dok, aka Christiane.