
Clearing a space and invoking protective guides and energies

There are times in everyone’s life when we have to move, feel we need to start over or just feel the need to clear out unwanted energies and call in new ones. It is a good habit to do this whenever moving out or into a new space. How is this done?

It is good to know that some atmospheres, incense, crystal energies etc have a repelling effect on certain unwanted energies.

Rituals for clearing spaces or banishing entities  may vary in different regions in the world.

For basic tools, I feel drawn to using and abalone shell and sage, if needed add cedar, sweetgrass and tobacco.

When working with non physical entities, the main and sometimes only available tool is our intent! But entities also respond to the energies of herbs, smoke, aroma, sunlight, or various minerals, rocks or gemstones. They are either attracted of repelled by it.


With your choice incense or  smudge, walk clockwise around the room, making sure at least a window is cracked open, moving the incense up and down saying something like: This room is cleared of all negative, unwanted or harmful energies. Calling in beneficial, protective guides and energies.

Once gone around the room, it is done.


Sometimes there is the need to call in protection. I like this one:

Using the same incense, in this case Sage (but, if not available as it is protected or can’t be grown, you can substitute rosemary, wormwood or other protection known in your county)

  • orient to the North, then East, then South then West, then the sky and the earth, offering the incense and
  • invoking or calling in the guide, guardians or angels to protect the space and ward of any harmful and unwanted outside energies. If done with intent and sincerity, it is done.

This  ritual can be repeated daily or nightly, and also can be done for smaller spaces (as where you sleep) as well as entire houses and properties (longer walk)

Disembodied beings also respond to crystals. One of the most well known crystal stone for protection is black tourmaline.

For clearing, clear quartz is good, which can be cleaned by being put into the sun. Rose quartz is good for loving and hearing energies.