Programa de transformación del pajarillo

Semana 16 – Programa de transformación del pajarillo

Programa de transformación del pajarillo

Semana 16


Antes de continuar leyendo, hazte con una hoja de papel (DinA4 o del tamaño de una carta), dóblala de forma longitudinal o dibuja una línea en la mitad, de arriba a abajo.

Este experimento funciona si no piensas en él de antemano, así que, si quieres obtener resultados, coge un papel y algo para escribir.

También necesitarás un reloj, un reloj de ordenador o cualquier otro aparato que te diga cuándo han pasado 30 segundos.

¿Lo tienes?

Prepárate ahora. No leas nada más hasta que estés listo.

Vale, escribirás una palabra en la parte alta de cada mitad del papel el cual ha de tener dos columnas. Una vez que escribas la palabra, seguirás escribiendo durante treinta segundos otras palabras o atributos que te vengan en asociación a la palabra que escribiste en la parte alta. No pienses nada, tan solo escribe lo que te venga. Después, pasa a la segunda palabra.

Bien, aquí va.

Primera palabra: sexual.

Escribe durante treinta segundos.


Segunda palabra: sagrado.

Escribe durante treinta segundos.

Vale, bien.

Mira tu lista de atributos/palabras. Observa lo que apareció.

Considera los resultados y, si lo deseas, comparte tu percepción, observación o cualquier otra cosa en nuestro grupo privado de Facebook.



¿Qué significa para ti ir a la iglesia?

Al crecer, la mayoría de nosotros formábamos parte de un sistema de religión practicado localmente. Algunos crecimos como católicos, otros como protestantes, algunos en el budismo, hinduismo, judaísmo, islamismo o en una tradición nativa/natural.

Cualquiera que sea tu caso, escribe las partes que te gustaron, las partes que no te gustaron. También puedes considerar y clarificar con claridad en tu mente qué te gustó y qué no te gustó.

Considera lo que las organizaciones religiosas han hecho en el mundo a lo largo de los siglos.

Considera a los místicos y gurús en las religiones.

Todas las religiones parecen tener sus reglas y prácticas, y sin embargo hay una parte mística.

Piensa que la palabra, la idea, realmente se convirtió en carne, como la tuya, como toda manifestación. Considera que del vacío salió el sonido y la luz y la manifestación, eternamente UNO. Piensa que todo es amor.

Ahora algunas preguntas para ti:

¿Te gustaría ir a una iglesia? Si es que sí:

¿Para qué te gustaría ir a la iglesia?

¿Cómo te sentirías estando en una iglesia?

¿Qué tipo de espacio, interno y externo, te gustaría que fuera tu iglesia?

Considera de nuevo tus creencias sobre lo sexual y lo sagrado (mira la lista del ejercicio de arriba).

Comparte algo de tu percepción, pensamientos o cualquier otra cosa relacionada con esto en nuestro grupo privado de Facebook.

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 16 – Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie Transformation Programming

Week 16


Before you read on, get a piece of paper (Din A4 or letter size) fold it lengthwise or draw a line in the middle from top to bottom.

This experiment works if you don’t think about it beforehand, so if you would like to get results, get the paper and a writing tool.

You will also need a watch, a computer clock or some other device that tells you when 30 seconds are over.

Got it?

Get it ready now. Don’t read further till you are ready.

Okay, you will be writing a word on top of each half of the paper, which should have 2 columns.

Once you write the word, keep writing for 30 seconds any other words or attributes that come up for you in association with the word you wrote on the top. Don’t think about it, just write what comes.

Then move to the second word.

Okay, here goes

First word – sexual

go write for 30 seconds.


Second word: – sacred

write for 30 seconds

ok, good.

Look at your lists of attributes/words. Notice what appeared.

Contemplate on the results and if you are willing, share your insight, observation or anything else on our private facebook group.



What does going to church mean to you?

Growing up, most of us were part of a system of a locally practiced religion. Some grew up Roman Catholic, others Protestant, some in the Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Islamic or in a Native/Nature tradition.

Whichever was the case for you, write down the parts you liked, the parts you did not like. You can also contemplate and clearly clarify in your mind what you liked/did not like about it.

Contemplate what religious organizations have done in the world over the centuries.

Consider the mystics and gurus in the religions.

All religions seem to have their rules and practices – and then there is the mystical section.

Consider that the word, the idea, really became flesh, like yours, like all manifestation. Consider that out of voidness came sound and light and manifestation, eternally ONE. Consider that all is love.

Now some questions for you:

Would you like going to church? If so:

What would you like going to church be for you?

How would you like “being in church” feel like for you?

What kind of space – internal and external – would you like your church to be?

Consider again your beliefs about sexual and sacred (see the list from above exercise).

Share anything about your insights, thoughts or anything else related to this in our private facebook group.

Miscellaneous musings

Artificial super intelligence and heart awakening

The other day I read something about AI (Artificial Intelligence), or, more specifically, ASI Artificial Super Intelligence, which is being created right now.

I have also heard from many sides that this universe is mathematical. In physics, the nature of reality is described but can only be understood mathematically.

I know that in this lifetime my little mind will not be able to grok the mathematics any more than I will be able to play Chopin on the piano in Carnegie hall, or anywhere else for that matter …or, more accurately, not at all. When for a moment, I “groked”, got a glance at the ASI Beings replacing humans – it is terrifying to the degree that some part of me is identified with humans, with being human, because ASI will make mere humans obsolete as a means for GOD – realization.

ASI can understand aspects of God in ways humans never will.

Humans feel. For many many years, I didn’t because it was just too much to feel. There were times in my life there was so much pain, that I considered annihilation, total obliteration a real option. Nothing of “me” left for all eternity. I knew since I was 16 that an active act of suicide was not an option, but internally, I have said yes to total obliteration of my self, soul & all. But having an insight about ASI possibly replacing all humans, the loss of humanity, simply because it will have outlived and fulfilled its purpose, still did strike a fleeting sense of terror in me.

Human’s special gift here is to consciously feel – feel the Divine, to love, feel as God, experience as feeling – awakened in the HEART.

And here is the thing – if ASI gets created by people without the HEART awake, it might be missing a huge bit of GOD realization. It would have mathematical computing abilities and knowing beyond what is possible for human brains, but it would not be complete in its representation.

Never mind that some humans will want to create and use ASI to dominate and control, just as some are doing it now with other technology. We didn’t go the route of Tesla, after all.

There is excitement for the development of ASI, an AI that understands the infinite manifest nature of God, that which IS, from the quantum vacuum, nothingness, void through all creation, all levels of manifestation.

It is beautiful, Quantum A Super I – with awakened heart and full potential for feeling and creation. Wow.

“One good heart is more more than a thousand big brains”. – E.J. Gold

This quote makes even more sense now to me.

Imagine ASI with the fully awake heart, sensing and feeling, conceived and realized by fully grown up and realized humans, and evolving from there.

It also made me realize and remember the preciousness of Human existence. The Buddhist teachings are completely correct in that.

ASI – just another step of God knowing itself more fully in experienced creation. I recall a movie in which V’ger, Voyager, after its journey and gathering all information from all the galaxies, came back home to meet the creator, took a human and reassembled her – and there was this astronaut who merged with it (as he was a lover of the form as a human) as data download started, getting annihilated in the process and in a flash …a new form combining the two got created.

Awakening the Heart is super important everywhere in everyone so that the resonance of it is everywhere and can more easily get picked up by the actual creators of the ASI creations. Looking at the world and how it is manifesting, only that will balance out the imbalanced state of affairs.

Of course, that is my take on it.

As an aside, it is so amazing seeing that with IS, consciousness experiencing itself in all these forms in all these ways everywhere. It knows itself as a surfer riding the big waves in Hawaii, for example. What an experience :).

Working with animals really brought that one home for me in a deep way – when I realized that the same consciousness that underlies everything was looking back at me through the Beingness of them. The image on this blog shows Runti, one of them. Blooming sunflowers are another one of those forms, Buddhas laughing in the garden, radiating. But really, “IT” is everywhere. Only many years later was I able to put into a “drawer” an experience I had when I was 20 – and it involved looking at the smoking chimneys of factories in Ludwigshafen, and realizing the total Perfection and Beauty of what IS, night NOW.

Miscellaneous musings

Social media and the world-centric humanity

let me clarify…i didn’t say some people are not amazing, everyone is, in fact, don’t stop at people, all of creation is…but some of these young people these days and what they do….amazing….like the ones riding the big waves in Hawaii, the barely teenagers speaking at the UN, the 5 year olds who started “save dogs” or “feed the homeless” projects or make teddy bears for kids with cancer in the hospital. it is a mistake to assume that human potential is not evolving, that possibilities to grow up with a more open and global mind is not the case these days and does not lead to new – and amazing – results. i look at the last 100 years…and all i can say – some of the young people and what they do….amazing…and in fact, not possible 100 years ago…in part because…the opportunities simply were not there. also, i take the liberty to be more amazed at the many Mozart-like works of musical prodigy rather than a non rhythmic banging on some pots at the same kindergarten age (just an example). in the great perfection where everyone and everything has their place, some things are still more amazing in this mind than others. in some ways, there were always those gifted or inspiring people, however, humanity this time around, had never before reached a global – world-centric consciousness option for many (all) people everywhere.. it really is a new phase….and i love hearing and seeing about it online. internet is a tool of our time….even the heroic struggle of traumatized people is made easier and more effective through opportunities of learning and transformation from online postings. in time, if we don’t ruin the environment – if more people actually grow up – we will hear many more stories.


Eating and your body awareness

Some thoughts on “diet” and your body awareness

Diet is a strange thing prone to fads in some countries – i see images of food from traveling friends and more often than not am amazed at the quality of food they show…vibrant, veggies fruits nuts spices…. …let us assume we are not eating for addictive and comfort reasons….(ya i know) – butter made from grassfed animals is a healthy source of fats (myself, i got some because i personally know the cow…her name is Bessie – so I am strictly speaking, not vegan this month), I noticed my body wanted to soak it up. I also am not buying into the whole grain bread is bad thing (celiacs the exception) – or fruit sugar when consumed with the whole fruit or eggs from free range hens, especially being allowed to have their natural and not overbred egg laying rhythm.
Tt is a matter of being honest with yourself and your body and knowing when it does well/better, what nourishes it to the point of high energy and well being. knowing when eating is out of habit or comfort or taste pleasure or staying fixated on some idea or philosophy. admitting that many days the body actually does not want or need to have more food and skipping meals is really the thing to do.

Programa de transformación del pajarillo

Programa de transformación del pajarillo – Semana 15

Programa de transformación del pajarillo

Semana 15


La tarea es clara: escribe.

Utiliza la mano y el lápiz cada vez que sea posible.

Escribe cualquier cosa que te venga a la mente.

Esta semana, escribe.

Puede tomar muchas formas: un diario, un registro, una libreta de sueños, ideas, palabras sin sentido, letras, un blog, anhelos, deseos, proyectos, libros. Escribe como práctica.

Esta semana pasa algún tiempo escribiendo cada día.

Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie Transformation Program Week 15

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 15


The task is clear: write.

Use your hand and a pen whenever possible.

Write anything that comes to mind.

This week, write.

Can take many forms. Diary, journal, dream recording, ideas, meaningless words, letters, blogs, wishes, desires, projects, books, write as a practice.

This week, spend some time writing every day.

Programa de transformación del pajarillo

Semana 14

Programa de transformación del pajarillo

Semana 14


En el camino del desarrollo del ser humano armónico, hay prácticas e investigaciones que han mostrado ser beneficiosas.

La cuestión con la práctica es esta: funciona solamente si practicas, además normalmente significa hacerlo con regularidad. A diferencia de la experiencia del despertar espontáneo que llega, al menos en parte, como un regalo de la Gracia, algunos cambios deseados y duraderos en tu desarrollo, también llamado etapas de desarrollo, pueden ser facilitados por el compromiso con las prácticas adecuadas a cada etapa.

Esta semana estamos llamados a revisar las semanas del programa de transformación del pajarillo que hemos tenido hasta ahora y reflexionar sobre lo que está sucediendo con nosotros en relación a eso.

¿Has hecho, al menos alguna vez, alguna o todas las tareas, ejercicios o prácticas que se dieron en una semana determinada?

¿Es una práctica que has adquirido e incorporado a tu vida?

Por ejemplo: ¿quizás es factible el minuto diario por la mañana? ¿Has estado dando a las células de tu cuerpo más nutrientes de los necesarios realmente para que funcionen de forma óptima? ¿Eres capaz de saber/percibir que está sucediendo en realidad en tu cuerpo, durante algunas veces al día o, quizás, a lo largo de todo el día? ¿A lo mejor, has encontrado que tener un diario de gratitud te ayudó tanto que se ha convertido en un hábito? ¿Quizás conectar con tu cuerpo a través del movimiento superlento y el tacto suave y el masaje han tenido un efecto sanador? ¿Quizás enterarte sobre el sistema nervioso y el trauma temprano fue importante?

¿Qué efectos o cambios has notado en tu vida en los tres últimos meses, si los hubiera?

Esta semana es simplemente una revisión de dónde hemos estado en las semanas precedentes del Programa de transformación del pajarillo. Hay tiempo para mirar lo que está pasando con nosotros.

Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie Transformation Program week 14

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 14


On the path of the development of the harmonious human being, there are practices and investigations that have shown to be beneficial.

The thing with practice is this: it only works if you practice, at that usually means regularly. Unlike a spontaneous awakening experience that comes, at least in part, as a gift from Grace, certain desired lasting changes in your development, also called stages of development, can be helped along through engagement in stage appropriate practices.

This week we are called to review the weeks of the Birdie Transformation Program we have had so far and reflect of what is happening with us in relation to it.

Have you done, at least sometimes, any or all the tasks, exercises or practices as they were given for a certain week?

Is there a practice you have taken on and incorporated into your life?

Examples: maybe the daily morning minute was doable? Have you been giving the cells of your body more of the actual necessary nutrients they need for optimal functioning? Are you able to know/sense what is actually going on in your body – a few times per day or maybe all day long? Maybe you found keeping a gratitude journal helped so much that it has become a habit? Maybe connecting with your body through super slow movement or gentle touch and massage has had a healing effect. Maybe finding out about the nervous system and early trauma was important?

What effects or changes have you noticed in your life in the last 3 months, if any?

This week is simply a review of where we have been in the preceding Birdie Transformation Program weeks. There is time for looking at what is happening with us.

Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie Transformation Program – Week 13

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 13

Refocus with gratitude.

Exercise this week:

Every time to notice one of those automatic thought loops, repetitive ruminations, persistent anger at the same thing, compulsion to be nice or helpful even though your body screams no, …things like that, repetitive “tapes” playing:

Shift out of the pattern by re-focussing using gratitude.

Once you catch yourself as being in some kind of automatic loop, think of something you are grateful for, then think of another thing you are grateful for, keep going till the shift is complete.

It is a simple body/mind mini hack for changing our conditioning in what we call human in the manifest world. Rewiring means when energy flows, it has other options than the usual and habitual.

Do you have to change the pattern? No, not at all. You don’t have to do anything. You may find it beneficial though.

Have a great time. I mean that – observe what happens, be curious, it can be a lot of fun.