Let The Healing Begin The Unruly Gardener Speaks

The compassionate Buddha is better than the fuckhead Buddha

So there you have it.

The compassionate Buddha is better than the fuckhead Buddha ~ E.J. Gold, quote, morning show, July 25, 2019.

He went on to say something like: in the fuckhead Buddha, it just cancels out, no real good is one.

I’ll explain what it means to me, or how I interpret this, but not having a conversation about what it means to be better and if such a judgment is justified.

Imagine or say there are two people, humans,  who have had the same level of awakening, realization of the Absolute reality with the same degree of embodied “drench”. Never mind how, by what means, this occurred and how they each “got “ there. They each had their path. Never mind too that there is that level where it all really is just as it is and it is okay….and that place where it is all a dream.

So here we have the two Buddhas in human incarnation, and one is compassionate and the other is a fuckhead. (and no, you all know what that means, and I am not having a discussion about how to define compassion or fuckhead either)

To me the fundamental difference is: one has grown up and the other has not.

It means one is mature and the other is immature.

It means one cares and one does not give a shit, stuck in the me me me phase.

Why do I say that?

Because, when you have done the work on self, when you have traversed the terrain of dark night of the soul, when you have learned to tolerate feeling everything, when you have learned to regulate your nervous system, when you have examined yourself and your patterns, beliefs and origins and why you really act the way you do at any given time, when you have faced your dark side, when you have developed self compassion on your way to growing up out of automatic emotional reactivity, when you actually have done the work of growing up and developed an ability to deeply care about everything because your heart is open…you will not go on hurting others, you will rather know to do right action and words in the moment, do what is actually helpful, relieve suffering, be in service of the whole. You will have developed compassion, you will be compassionate

(note: some may have an easier way to get to that point than others, karma is….)

You also, having freed yourself – through self observation, self-study, therapy or what not – from the narrow confines of familial, energetic and cultural conditioning, when you have worked with your nervous system enough to actually no longer have to fall into automatic survival responses of any kind, you have then a degree of freedom and presence – that you simply don’t have not having gone through the process of – growing up.

So, back to our two Buddhas drenched to the same degree with “wokeness”. The mature Buddha, the compassionate one, can actually consistently act in a manner congruent with his or her realization and highest knowing. That one is truly capable of being present. There is actually have a higher degree of freedom to do and be.

He or she can actually become a force, an agent for evolution and speak truth without traumatizing anyone in any kind of even subtle way, be a true Bodhisattva, and that is better than being a fuckhead. That is my take on it.

The fuckhead Buddha, if he/she so chooses, can be a BIT, a Bodhisattva in Training. A fuckhead Buddha may have done the work of awakening, but not the work of growing up and as a result, keeps hurting  others.

At the same time, for anyone in the process of maturation: be kind, patient and compassionate with yourself.

It is okay to be a work in progress.

Let The Healing Begin The Unruly Gardener Speaks

Caring and the mother code

What if you don’t care about something, some”thing” like animals?

After all, in a way there are just like a backdrop for us humans to use or enjoy, right? They don’t really have sentience, or emotions, right? No inherent right for beingness, so human abusing them by the billions does not really matter?

During one of the courses I attended, the presenter mentioned one of the things they didn’t care about. I found myself not angry, but rather surprised and a bit disappointed, but I respected them and their work so much, and it is so good for so many and the planet, that I just filed it away. But it did actually hurt inside hearing it. I have also, for myself, come to understand the truth of a quote attributed to Anatole France “Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

It is true, no one should tell anyone else what they are supposed to care about. For me too, caring about something does not mean I have to give to give my life and energy and resources to it. For me, there are

healing from c-PTSD Let The Healing Begin The Unruly Gardener Speaks

How being in second life helped me grow up and heal

A few years ago, the Institute for the Development of the Harmonious Human Being (IDHHB) started an exploration into using Second Life (SL) as a work tool, a tool for transformation and service as well as a tool to stimulate past life memories and broaden one’s consciousness footprint. It was an ever changing environment then, with lots of activities and changing sceneries and lots to learn. This blog post is more focused on my own journey than all that was happening back then in the Ashram (that would be filling a book).

Even though I felt a little bit like I felt when the call went out to join safaris in D2 a decade earlier, meaning some trepidation and a hint of disdain, if I were honest, I didn’t really know anything about Second Life or the people that go there.

I decided to participate and of course, as with the exploration of any new area, there were growing pains. At that time, child avatars were still permitted, and I found myself drawn to those more than the adults or non-human characters. I had a few adult ones, but on a subtle level, noticed a resistance to using them. So unless it was required to show up as an adult, I started out exploring as a child. This was at a time I had not actually put a name to the nature nor the extent of the trauma that I have had to deal with all my life, as trauma is in the nervous system but I didn’t remember anything commonly recognized as trauma, so I was never aware that that was what I was dealing with.  However,

The Unruly Gardener Speaks


The other day I listened to a podcast and it clarified something for me, so I am sharing my understand of it. It is oversimplified, but nonetheless useful.

Are Sociopaths/psychopaths  winning on the planet?

Or: What we can and need to do to make the whole sustainable?

Okay, that is not the whole story, because the more correct would be: sociopaths are winning in the short term to get for themselves what they want, and are destroying the world as we know in the long term.

The situation is that humans with their tool making ability have changed the natural laws of evolution and are now capable to extinct themselves and everyone else with them. Tools break the symmetry of power in natural evolution. So what do we do?

In order for

Miscellaneous musings

Why sociopaths are winning

Or: Why and what we can and need to do to make the whole sustainable?

Sociopaths/psychopaths are winning on the planet.

Okay, that is not the whole story, because the more correct would be: sociopaths are winning in the short term to get for themselves what they want, and are destroying the world as we know in the long term.

The situation is that humans with their tool making ability have changed the natural laws of evolution and are now capable to extinct themselves and everyone else with them. Tools break the symmetry of power in natural evolution.

In order for the whole (body-mind, humanity, ecosystems, earth), to be thriving and healthy, there needs to be a balance between will, mind and heart in the humans.

Will here is energy and action, discipline to DO something, drive.

Will can be developed if it is currently underpowered. Will can be trained so you may have more actual choice over your actions, rather than going into a default mode, acting out of habit.

Mind here is knowledge/science, understanding of how things work, strategies, experience, insights and learning.

This too can be developed if underpowered.

Heart here is caring for the whole, feeling ever more deeply for ever wider circles of beings, becoming more and more inclusive in your caring.

Deepening in caring can be developed.

Now let us look at what is happening when even one part is not developed or not coupled with the 2 others.

Strong in Will and Mind leads to selfish doing what is best in the short term for one’s self, without much regard or caring for anyone or anything else. It will get things done to further their economic goals (win in the short term), ultimately leading to the destruction of everything. (remember, the tools for total destruction are available.)

Strong in Mind and Heart, but no Will, is a soft-hearted , conscientious, caring, but ineffective scientist, unable to take action.

Strong in Heart and Will is the activist, however, without knowledge, without a good strategy, they will be ineffective and the military industrial complex and the corporations will win every time.

This is trying to put in words my take-away understanding of some of what I heard during a podcast with Arjuna Ardagh and Daniel Schmachtenberger.

The reason I love it was that all I ever was able to articulate was: the democrats need to grow some balls. As you can probably intuit, the entire system is more complex, but I still thought it clarifying to think about it in those three pillars.

It is time to consciously create and take responsibility for the health of the whole. For that all three of those pillars need to be developed and coupled.

Interestingly, this balance feels also equally necessary for the health and evolution of our personal bodymindspirt.

In the end, it has to be a win/win …any system where there is a win/loose, we are not gonna solve our situation.

I will end this with a quote by Daniel Schmachtenberger which he made during the podcast in relation to learning deeper caring, visiting a factory farm, after seeing how animals live on factory farms

“…fuck, is there a model of my life that feels like a success to me as long as these animals are in this condition….?”

You can find out more about Daniel Schmachtenberger here:

The Unruly Gardener Speaks

Life does not have to suck- song

If you follow my FB page or instagram (@the_unrulygardener), you won’t miss any topics. I will only post a few on the website. The 2 below are from my very first evening of recording with a flip camera. I use open-shot to make it instagram compatible to export.

Being weird

Improv song – life doesn’t have to suck


Programa de transformación del pajarillo

Birdie semana final

Programa de transformación del pajarillo

Semana final, 07 de junio de 2019

Esta vez el mensaje fue: ya se ha acabado. El programa del pajarillo ya ha acabado en su formato actual. Está limitado a cuarenta semanas. Hubo simplemente un último mensaje (abajo). No habrá más semanas, si acaso posiblemente recordatorios o pequeños mensajes en el futuro.

La razón es que el propósito principal (y podría haber habido más de uno) ha sido alcanzado. Personalmente, en realidad no sé cuáles eran (aunque tengo mis ideas sobre esto), tan solo entiendo que se ha acabado. Lo siento acabado también.

Lo que tenemos es una serie de investigaciones y prácticas muy potentes. Voy a actualizar la página web, por ejemplo dándole título a las semanas en los enlaces y organizándola un poco mejor, y voy a cerrar la página de Facebook.

Para los que han participado, gracias.

Ahora es el momento de tu plena responsabilidad personal, creando tu vida y prácticas, visualízate y avanza hacia tu yo que existe en el futuro.

Tú decides qué hábitos mantener, y cuáles no conservar por más tiempo, si acaso reemplazarlos por otros.

Tienes la oportunidad de hacer que el aprendizaje y el crecimiento sea una forma de vida, si es lo que deseas.

Tienes la oportunidad de vivir con la intención en el flujo de energía, y creatividad y presencia, o continuar cediendo a la reactividad, estando estancado e inconsciente.

Tú eliges con qué te alineas en la vida.

Puedes tener grandes sueños y no preocuparte demasiado por los pequeños «problemas» de la vida diaria.

Tú eliges qué grupo de apoyo quieres crear o al que unirte y en qué medida puedes o deseas participar en un momento dado.

Tú eliges la forma de contribuir y servir para el beneficio y evolución de la vida en este planeta y de los seres vivos en ella.

Puedes regresar a los ejercicios de las distintas semanas durante el tiempo que la página web esté funcionando.

Ha sido un privilegio servir de esta forma y estoy muy agradecida a Carmen por la traducción. Gracias y ¡vielen vielen Dank!

Gracias a todos los que escogieron ser parte de esto en cualquiera de estas semanas. Fue importante y significó muchísimo.

Hay un ejercicio especial que me gustaría compartir, es de un viejo libro del curso de lectores y dice algo así:

Mirando a tu alrededor, imagina cada uno de los objetos que ves como siendo un universo entero en sí mismo. ¿Quién (o qué) eres tú entonces?

Para el beneficio de todos los seres en todo lugar y en beneficio del Absoluto.



de carmen

Antiguo poema Sanscrito

Cuida bien de este día pues es vida,

lo mejor de la vida.

En su breve curso están contenidas todas las verdades de la existencia.

La alegría del crecimiento,

La gloria de la acción,

El esplendor de la belleza…

Pues el ayer no es sino un recuerdo

y el mañana tan solo una visión.

Sin embargo, cada hoy bien vivido

hace de cada ayer un recuerdo de felicidad

y de cada mañana una visión de esperanza.

Por consiguiente, cuida bien de este día, pues es vida.

Sanskrit poem

Look well to this one day, for it and
it alone is life. In the brief course of
this day lie all the verities and
realities of your existence; the pride of
growth, the glory of action, the
splendor of beauty. Yesterday is only
a dream, and tomorrow is but a
vision. Yet each day, well lived,
makes every yesterday a dream of
happiness and each tomorrow, a
vision of hope. Look well, therefore,
to this one day, for it and it alone is life.

Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie Finale June 7, 2019

Birdie Transformation Program

Week – Finale – June 7, 2019

This time, the message was: it is done. The Birdie program is done in its current form. It is capped at forty weeks. There was simply a last message (below). There will be no more weeks, but possibly reminders or little messages in the future.

The reason is that the primary purpose (and there might have been more than one) has been fulfilled. I personally don’t actually know what those were (though I have my thoughts about it), I only get that it is done. It feels done too.

What we have is a very powerful series of investigations and practices. I am to update the website, for example giving titles to the week in the links and organize it a little better, and close the facebook groups.

For anyone participating, thank you.

Now it is time for your full self responsibility – creating your life and practices, envision and step into your very self which already exists in the future.

You get to decide which habits to maintain, and which to no longer do but replace with others.

You get to make learning and growing a way of life for you, if that is what you wish to do.

You get to live with intention on energy flow and creativity and presence, or continue to mostly give in to reactivity, being stuck and unconsciousness.

You choose what to align with in your life.

You can have big dreams and not fuss over the little “problems” of daily live.

You choose what support group you want to create or join and to which extent you are able or willing at a given time to participate.

You get to choose a way to contribute and serve for the benefit and evolution of life on this planet and the beings living on it.

You can come back to the Birdie exercises of the various weeks for as long as the website is up.

It has been a privilege to serve in this way and I am very grateful to Carmen for translating. Gracias and vielen vielen Dank!!!

Thank you everyone who chose to be part of this for any of the weeks. It was important and meant a lot.

There is a special exercise I would like to share, from an old LRS course book, it goes something like this:

Looking around, imagine every single object you see as being an entire universe in itself. Who (or what) are you then?

For the benefit of all beings everywhere and the benefit of the Absolute.


a poem from Carmen

Antiguo poema Sanscrito

Cuida bien de este día pues es vida,

lo mejor de la vida.

En su breve curso están contenidas todas las verdades de la existencia.

La alegría del crecimiento,

La gloria de la acción,

El esplendor de la belleza…

Pues el ayer no es sino un recuerdo

y el mañana tan solo una visión.

Sin embargo, cada hoy bien vivido

hace de cada ayer un recuerdo de felicidad

y de cada mañana una visión de esperanza.

Por consiguiente, cuida bien de este día, pues es vida.



Old Sanskrit poem

Look well to this one day, for it and
it alone is life. In the brief course of
this day lie all the verities and
realities of your existence; the pride of
growth, the glory of action, the
splendor of beauty. Yesterday is only
a dream, and tomorrow is but a
vision. Yet each day, well lived,
makes every yesterday a dream of
happiness and each tomorrow, a
vision of hope. Look well, therefore,
to this one day, for it and it alone is life.

Programa de transformación del pajarillo

Birdie Semana 40

Programa de transformación del pajarillo

Semana 40

Esta vez estuve esperando durante lo que parecía un tiempo largo y comencé a pensar que quizás nada llegaría, que quizás ya estaba acabado el programa del pajarillo.

Pero entonces, de repente, allí estaba:

Planta una flor

No solo una planta, sino una planta con flores.

Plántala en una maceta o en el exterior y ocúpate de ella.

Siéntate con ella, cada día. Llega a conocerla, dale tu energía, buenos pensamientos, sentimientos, admiración o curiosidad.

Usando tus manos, imagina realmente la sanación, el amor o simplemente la energía extra rodeándola y abrazándola.

Pregúntale lo que necesita y escucha lo que te dice. Pregúntale lo que quieras. Observa las respuestas.

¿Qué sucede contigo durante esos ratos? Observa alguna resistencia que pudieras tener o creencias que surjan.

Como con muchas prácticas o investigaciones, esta no tiene que detenerse después de una semana.

Sin embargo, ya que estamos tratando con otra entidad viviente, el cuidado de ella continuará, al menos lo suficiente como para que continúe viva.

Esta es una acción voluntaria por tu parte, pero es una de esas que vienen con una responsabilidad continua. Así que si no puedes o no quieres ocuparte de ella más adelante, incluso si eso significa encontrar a otra persona que se ocupe de ella, entonces es mejor que te saltes esta semana.

Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie week 40

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 40

This time, I was waiting for what seemed like a long time and started thinking that maybe nothing will come, maybe it is done with the Birdie Program.

But then suddenly there it was:

Plant a flower

Not just a plant, a flowering plant.

Plant it in a pot or outside and care for it.

Sit with it – every day. Get to know it, give it your energy, good thoughts, feelings, admiration or curiosity.

Using your hands, actually imagine healing, loving or simply extra energy surrounding it and embracing it.

Ask it what it needs and listen to what is tells you. Ask it anything you like. Notice the responses.

What happens with you during those times? Notice any resistance you might have or beliefs that come up.

As with many practices or investigations, this one does not have to stop after one week.

However, since we are dealing with another living entity, the caring for it will continue, at least enough for it to continue to live.

This is a voluntary action on your part, but one that does come with ongoing responsibility. So if you can’t or don’t want to care for it afterward, even if it means finding it another person to care for it, then it is better to skip this week.