So there you have it.
The compassionate Buddha is better than the fuckhead Buddha ~ E.J. Gold, quote, morning show, July 25, 2019.
He went on to say something like: in the fuckhead Buddha, it just cancels out, no real good is one.
I’ll explain what it means to me, or how I interpret this, but not having a conversation about what it means to be better and if such a judgment is justified.
Imagine or say there are two people, humans, who have had the same level of awakening, realization of the Absolute reality with the same degree of embodied “drench”. Never mind how, by what means, this occurred and how they each “got “ there. They each had their path. Never mind too that there is that level where it all really is just as it is and it is okay….and that place where it is all a dream.
So here we have the two Buddhas in human incarnation, and one is compassionate and the other is a fuckhead. (and no, you all know what that means, and I am not having a discussion about how to define compassion or fuckhead either)
To me the fundamental difference is: one has grown up and the other has not.
It means one is mature and the other is immature.
It means one cares and one does not give a shit, stuck in the me me me phase.
Why do I say that?

Because, when you have done the work on self, when you have traversed the terrain of dark night of the soul, when you have learned to tolerate feeling everything, when you have learned to regulate your nervous system, when you have examined yourself and your patterns, beliefs and origins and why you really act the way you do at any given time, when you have faced your dark side, when you have developed self compassion on your way to growing up out of automatic emotional reactivity, when you actually have done the work of growing up and developed an ability to deeply care about everything because your heart is open…you will not go on hurting others, you will rather know to do right action and words in the moment, do what is actually helpful, relieve suffering, be in service of the whole. You will have developed compassion, you will be compassionate
(note: some may have an easier way to get to that point than others, karma is….)
You also, having freed yourself – through self observation, self-study, therapy or what not – from the narrow confines of familial, energetic and cultural conditioning, when you have worked with your nervous system enough to actually no longer have to fall into automatic survival responses of any kind, you have then a degree of freedom and presence – that you simply don’t have not having gone through the process of – growing up.
So, back to our two Buddhas drenched to the same degree with “wokeness”. The mature Buddha, the compassionate one, can actually consistently act in a manner congruent with his or her realization and highest knowing. That one is truly capable of being present. There is actually have a higher degree of freedom to do and be.
He or she can actually become a force, an agent for evolution and speak truth without traumatizing anyone in any kind of even subtle way, be a true Bodhisattva, and that is better than being a fuckhead. That is my take on it.
The fuckhead Buddha, if he/she so chooses, can be a BIT, a Bodhisattva in Training. A fuckhead Buddha may have done the work of awakening, but not the work of growing up and as a result, keeps hurting others.
At the same time, for anyone in the process of maturation: be kind, patient and compassionate with yourself.
It is okay to be a work in progress.